Friday, April 6, 2007

Google Takes on the World

Elaine Mak
April 6, 2007
M-W-F (10-10:50)
Essentials of Business Information Systems: 7th Edition
Kenneth C. Laudon: Jane P. Laudon
Case Study 2; Business Problem-Solving Case
Chapter 6 (pp.220-223) Google Takes on the World

What problems and challenges does Google face in this case? What is the source of these problems and challenges?

One of the many problems that Google faces in this case is the fact that they constantly have to compete with other big companies in the industry such as Microsoft. Google must constantly come up with new ideas and actual software to make sure they can stay on top with their competitors. Another major problem that Google faces in this case is also the fact that they were slapped with a heavy fine after violating such rights as privacy and copyright laws. Even after Google's new products, Gmail and AdSense, were created, Google cannot relax because its competitors are always coming up with new innovations as well, keeping the competition heated.

One source of Google's problems is the fact that they are a newer ameteur website and have a lot to learn. For example, they were fined for violating copyright laws, while Yahoo and Microsoft already had years of experience in negotiating with content providers. Another source of Google's problems is that they are introducing new products in the market that can be easily copied, reproduced, and offered by another company easily. For instance, Google's Maps features are also available on Yahoo.

Has Google correctly identified the challenges it faces? How has the company chosen to approach these challenges? What solutions has it chosen? Are there any solutions that the company hasn't considered?

Google has partially identified the challenges it faces, but then again, can always use more improvement to ensure that they stay ahead of the competition. On several occassions the company has chosen to approach these challenges head on making sure to correct the problem directly and making sure that the solution works and that customers are satisfied. Google has had several solutions to its problems one of them being that they have created a personalized search tool that can more accurately return relevant results. Another solution that Google has chosen is to become more of a software company rather than a search technology company. This factor has enabled Google to differentiate and expand its products and services. One solution that I thought of that Google has not used is to further differentiate their products away from that of its competitors such as Microsoft. This way Google will have a leading advantage over the rest.

Has Google implemented its solutions successfully?

It seems that the company has successfully implemented it solutions. Google has successfully implemented such strategies including creating a personalized search tool that produces more accurate and relevant results. Another succesful solution that Google has implemented is the cost-per-click strategy which would charge their customers to view ads but would also credit the customers who were mistakenly charged. The company has been successful in implementing its solutions, becuase even with all the competition Google faces, it continues to be a multi-billion dollar industry that is so popular. For example, the phrase Google-it has become tremendously popular as more and more people are using the search engine.

Has Google identified the people, organization, and technology issues associated with its problems and solutions? What are these issues?
For the most part, Google has identified its issues and problems and Google is working hard on the problems that have not been completely resolved. The people dimension of the company has been a success, because Google employs the best information technology experts many from the same education background, graduates from Stanford's Computer Science Department. In terms of the organizational dimension, I'd say that the company seems to have it together. On the same note, I think the company's technology dimension is also a success. By this, I mean that the company is always keeping up with the latest technology trends and are always changing and updating products where they see fit. For example, the company introduced Froogle and Google Talk which provided customers with the best service that fit them best.

What other factors should Google examine in addressing its current and future challenges? Do you think Google will be successful with the strategies it has adapted?

In addressing its current and future challenges, Google should pay particular attention to the ever-increasing updates on technology. Google has to be able to familiarize itself with these trends and be able to apply them to their services so that the company can be up-to-date. If the company is able to keep up with ever increasing trends, they would also find it easier to train their employees more properly, correct outdated software, and do away with inadequate resources. Basically, by keeping up with vital technology updates the company will be able to maintain satisfactory organizational, people, and technology dimensions. I think Google will be successful with the strategies it has adapted, because if it keeps current with technology it should be fine, and they should be able to keep up with the competition and the industry's increasing bid for innovation.

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